March 6, 2025

Following successful prom, NS plans more dances

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Among all of the activities that have been taken away or reduced due to COVID-19, dances are one that students have seriously missed. Luckily, with COVID restrictions lessening and the introduction of the vaccine, dances have been able to spring back up at NS.

This spring back started with the announcement of junior prom and will continue on a roll with a Spring Fling dance hosted by the FFA and a Last Chance Dance hosted by the SBOs. The Spring Fling is a Sadies Hawkins-type dance where the cou- ples will wear matching t-shirts to the

dance. It is also a girls’ choice dance. The Last Chance Dance, which is like Senior Ball, will take place the last week of school and is a semi-for- mal event.

“I think that the students missed dances, and I think it’s just another reason for them to be social and to meet people they wouldn’t normally meet,” said NS teacher Rickie Stew- art. “Anything we can do to encour- age activities and student involve- ment is not a bad thing.”

Students agree that dances and the dates that accompany them, have been something that has been sorely missed this year.

“It’s just great memories and going on the date is fun, just getting to talk to people,” said senior Liz Madsen. “Whether it’s with your friend or with a crush, it’s just fun to go and do something.”

Even with COVID-19 restrictions lessening, masks still are required at the dances, along with students needing to get tested forty-eight hours pri- or to the dance. If a student brings a date from an- other school, their date is also required to be tested before the dance and show proof of a negative test.

“The goal is to keep everybody safe, as navigat- ing through a world-wide pandemic with activities has not been easy,” Stewart said. “I think we always want to err on the side of caution to try to keep people safe. We want to be part of the solution, not the problem.”

The Student Body Officers and the FFA officers are optimistic about the turnout at these dances and hope that word will get spread around fast enough to get people to go.

“I think it’s just something that will get most people involved,” said SBO Vice President Riley Madsen. “I think it’s something that most kids look forward to, just because we don’t really have any- thing else to go to.”

Dances are also something that encourages students to be more social and involved with their peers.

“You talk to more people. On the night of danc- es, you tend to talk to more people than you’re used to,” Madsen said. “You get to meet new people and it’s a fun part of high school.”

Having dances make a comeback at NS will hopefully help us to end this strange and weird year on a positive and optimistic note.

“Just the thought of being able to do some of these things and having some semblance of nor- malcy for the last third of the school year is some- thing that we can all celebrate and look forward to,” Stewart said.

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