As the last bell rang everyone hustled to get home, but her day was far from over. Her face dropped as she had a friend peer out the door, and nod their head in confirmation that her enemy was waiting. There were two escape routes, two squirt bottles, and two hearts racing. Then, she ran.
The “Gotcha Game” is a game put on by the BOMB Squad that has made its way into NS tradition through its chaotic nature and the fun it brings.
The game is fairly simple to play. Players get a squirt bottle and the name of another player. They find their assigned player and try to squirt them to eliminate them. If someone is eliminated before they eliminate their assigned player, they give the name of their assigned player to the assassinator and the job becomes theirs. This game leaves room for intense feuds, planning and plotting as players fight to make it to the top two and eventually win.
“Once they get into game mode, the scheme gets intense,” junior Shiloh Peterson said.
There are many stories about people missing class, skipping school, or showing up at peoples houses to spray them. For those committed to the game, the planning and strategy is a crucial aspect.
“It was fun, it’s something to look forward to,” last year’s winner senior Brandt Lund said.

While many people agree that it is a blast during Gotcha, it also induces some panic.
“It’s definitely a stressful time, because as soon as you start playing, you have this anxiety because you know someone’s hunting you,” junior and previous winner/runner up Madison Shelley said.
Because there is a constant hunt, multiple players are typically eliminated every day. Even if the player is about to get sprayed, there are still ways to “fight back.” The first way is to run. Running is not the best option as spraying is still possible mid run, but if the player is fast enough escape is possible, but people also can’t actually spray each other in class, during game, and at home, unless they get permission from their family.
The second way is to spray the person players have before they can get them. Spraying first has its risks, as players come in close contact with their hunter but it does assure safety for an hour if it works out.
Because school is still in session, students try their best to create a normal environment even if they are scared to lose. Many of them are able to find a group of friends to protect and help them. Even if they can’t spray people, friends still serve as a pair of extra eyes, or a human shield.
“I had two people who I would have scout down the hallway to see if there was anyone with squirt bottles,” Peterson said.