February 21, 2025

Softball team fights adversity with persistent mindset

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As NS softball team’s season begins, their motto, When it’s the hardest (W.I.T.H.), captures the spirit of the team and reflects the experiences they’ve been through.

A year ago, when COVID first started, many athletes that play a spring sport lost their season. The softball team played only two games before everything was shut down.

“We didn’t ever really anticipate the whole season being canceled,” said head coach Landon Bailey. “The initial shock wasn’t that bad and that was in the middle of March. And then by the middle of April,  it was kind of getting to the point that if they don’t do something we’re never going to have a season.”

Having such a short season was hard on everyone. Each girl, whether they were a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior was upset by the cancellation of the season and lost a year of playing. It was especially hard on the seniors.

“That was so bad for those that had to miss out on their senior season,” said Bailey. “It was definitely hard because it’s something you work for for a really long time and getting it taken away was pretty rough on them.”

Not only did losing a season affect them last year, but it’s changed this year as well. The girls on the team this year are less experienced then they might have been in years past. Out of the 26 girls on the team, about 17 play varsity. For most of the varsity girls it’s only their first or second year on the team. Missing out on all the practices and games means the girls don’t know as much and haven’t played as often. 

“We only have a few players who have actually played at the varsity level so if those younger girls play like they’re capable of, then we can still be really good and still be really competitive,” said Bailey. “We may kinda struggle early in the season but hopefully by middle to the end of the season, once these girls figure stuff out, I think we’ll be pretty tough.”

Luckily, both the girls and the coaches are able to look on the positive side. They’ve gained new appreciation for the things they do have. They’re grateful for every moment that they can play and be together this season.

“Although losing that season was really frustrating, it’s taught me that you can’t take anything in life for granted,” said senior and main pitcher Gracie Christiansen. “Once something that you think will always be there gets taken away, it makes you realize how important to you it really is.”

Being appreciative and enjoying every moment is something the softball team knows is important. Both the girls and coaches agree that having a good attitude matters.

“Oh, definitely—attitude is everything. That’s the way it is in life,” said Bailey. “Things happen and sometimes you don’t play as well as you wanted to or things don’t go your way, but if you have a bad attitude you’re not going to be good. It’s that way with anything.”

Having a good attitude when you play makes it a more enjoyable experience for everyone. It’s just as important to have fun and enjoy playing as it is to work hard. The coaches remind them to enjoy what they’re doing while still doing their best.

“They work hard and they know how to have fun, which is good because that’s a super important part of all this. That’s why we play, to have fun,” said Bailey.

Sometimes it can be hard to give it your all and enjoy everything. Softball isn’t always easy. When it isn’t easy, that’s when it’s the most important to keep going. That’s what their team motto means: the players need to keep fighting, especially when it’s hard.

“When it’s the hardest—that’s something we talk about just to remind them that we have to fight through the hard times and fight the difficult things,” said Bailey. “It’s easy to be good when things are easy.”

The softball team keeps this in mind as they continue through their season and improve both individually and as a team. 

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