March 31, 2025

Senior Isa Wright Shows Growth and Success Throughout High School Career

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From freshman year to senior year, most students go through many dramatic changes. Senior Isa Wright went from a self-described “nonfunctional human being” to the school’s drama Sterling Scholar, the president of the broadcasting club, and one of the most hardworking and confident students at NS.

“I think any organization would be incredibly lucky to have somebody like Isa,” said drama teacher Alex Barlow.

Wright was born in Murray, Utah. She has lived in many places before Sanpete county, including Texas and Montana, but she moved here in her eighth-grade year.

Wright says the move was really tough, and she had trouble finding any friends or feeling like she fit in until her sophomore year. She also initially struggled with drama as she had trouble keeping her laughter under control on stage.

“In my freshman year, I laughed a lot as a shield of my insecurity,” Wright said.

Since her freshman year, Wright has overcome many of her insecurities and become not only a better actor but a more confident and overall successful person. Makayla Robinson, one of her closest friends, can attest to this.           

“I met Isa in middle school, and I didn’t really like her because I thought she was weird… that changed obviously because we’re good friends now,” senior Makayla Robinson said.

Wright says that she owes much of her success to the drama program and Barlow. She looks up to Barlow and sees him and her father as her role model. Both of them push her to work hard.

“I like drama,” Wright said, “because it’s a place where I can get all of my weirdness out so that I’m not as weird in front of normal people.”

This year in the musical “Tarzan,” Wright played Kala,  an emotionally complex character. Wright has had other substantial roles in the past, but this was the most challenging character yet.

“Kala is the deepest role she’s ever had,” Robinson said.

Robinson was initially somewhat jealous of Wright’s role as Kala but quickly realized why Barlow made the decision after hearing her strong singing voice and seeing her convincing characterization.

“I think she knows she’s good, but she doesn’t know how good she is at everything that she does,” Robinson said.

Wright has not only confidently performed this year, but she has always gratefully accepted her roles and put in time helping with things outside of acting. For example, this year, she created a trailer for the musical and the opening cutscene. 

“I don’t have a lot of downtime,” Wright said.

With all of her different roles over the years, Wright continues to work hard at it, no matter how big or small.

“She always gives incredible and confident performances,” Barlow said.

Wright isn’t quite sure how to feel about this year’s musical, because she feels as if it still hasn’t even started yet.

“I’m still practicing all of my songs and lines, and I don’t know why,” Wright said.

Wright also looks forward to region drama competition this year, with one last shot at winning big before her senior year is over. She plans on doing a double entry and performing in both a scene and a musical theatre piece.

“I really, really, really want to do musical theatre because I think that it’s fun and I’m pretty adequate at it,” Wright said.

On top of being a top contributor to the drama program, Wright also sacrifices a lot of time for broadcasting. Wright creates a lot of videos for organizations throughout the school and knows a great deal about editing.

“If I have a passion, I’ll work 100% at it,” Wright said.

While Wright has multiple different talents and is exceptionally prepared, she has her share of struggles and weaknesses. Even though she always tries her hardest, she occasionally doubts herself and her capabilities.

“She needs to go easier on herself,” Barlow said.

Wright is pushed to do hard work by her parents, but she is also very motivated by Barlow. After completing high school, Wright wishes to follow in his footsteps and become a drama teacher.

“I will be very excited to see where she goes in life,” Barlow said.

Isa also has considered becoming an actress. She is okay with any career as long as it lets her involve her passion for the theatre in some form.

“I want to keep drama in my life,” Wright said.

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