January 21, 2025

Presidential election sparks controversy among students

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The 2020 United States Presidential Election was one of the most highly anticipated events in recent history. With incumbent President Donald Trump running for a second term, and former Vice President Joe Biden running for president for the third time, tensions were high and emotions peaked.

At the end of several grueling days of speculation and delays, Joe Biden was declared the President-elect of the United States of America, clearing 270 electoral votes with the projected win of Pennsylvania, his home state. Biden is also the current leader in the popular vote by more than 5 million, although there are still votes to be counted. 

However, unlike past presidential elections, Donald Trump has not yet conceded to his opponent or accepted that Biden has won in any way. Many of Trump’s supporters are just as unaccepting of the numbers.

“The AP has been calling elections for a very long time,” said NS history teacher Tyler Bailey. “I do trust them when they say the election has been decided.”

Officials in all 50 states have denied any evidence of substantial fraud in their respective voting processes, but the potential for fraud, according to some, is still there.

“Some people aren’t getting their facts straight. I think more people were voting for Trump than Biden,” said sophomore Darld Swapp. “Biden’s going to ruin everything that Donald Trump did good for our country, and make everything worse.”

The President has filed numerous lawsuits, and also called for recounts of ballots in multiple swing states that went to Biden. Trump also claims there was fraud, and in general is not relenting to what the numbers say.

“[Trump] is one of the most controversial people in America right now,” said senior Kaje Nielsen. “He’s not going to go down easy, but the fact is, he’s lost.”

Indeed, the consensus among most of the professional community is that these lawsuits are redundant and will not have any effect on the outcome of the election. President Trump has the right to request recounts, but he does not have the right to accuse America of fraud.

“At this point, anything else that either side does is going to be in vain. You can call for recounts all you want, but it’s not going to change anything,” Nielsen said.

While these lawsuits may come to nothing, Trump’s actions are still creating fear in American people.

“Ex-president Trump might throw a huge fit that could affect lots of people,” said freshman Savanna Shepherd. “I really hope he doesn’t do something rash and end up hurting people.”

On the flip side, Joe Biden gave a victory speech last week where he promised to restore the soul of our nation, and expressed hope for a time of healing in America.

“I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but to unify;” said Biden, “who doesn’t see red states and blue states, only sees the United States.”

This message was, according to some, sorely needed by our floundering country.

“When political leaders say things like this it always gives me hope,” Bailey said. “I believe he meant it, and hopefully he will work towards that during his presidency.”

While millions of Americans (both Republican and Democrat) were inspired by his noble words, there are others who are completely unconfident in Biden’s ability to run the country.

“Biden was Vice President with Obama,” said Swapp. “Why didn’t he do all this stuff then? He didn’t. Trump’s done a heck of a lot more these past four years… I think if people would open their eyes, Donald Trump’s been a way good president. I think people need to start respecting our president more.”

Respect is both what people in the country want more of, and what people in the country hesitate to give.

“I have a whole list of reasons not to vote for Trump,” Nielsen said, “but the bottom line is, I don’t think that Trump is that great of a person.”

Regardless of the polarized opinions of our incumbent president, according to the current vote count, Joe Biden has won the election. This brings forth the question of whether or not he will succeed as president in the years to come, and unfortunately, almost half of American people are not confident in his ability to do what must be done.

“This is what’s going to happen,” Swapp said. “[Biden’s] on more of the Democrat side, he’s going to make only two things, poor and rich. There won’t be a middle class, because most of the middle class will probably go poor. He’s going to give more taxes out, which is not good. How’s that going to make everybody equal? I don’t think so.”

In contrast, an equally huge portion of the people believe that Biden is exactly what our country needs right now, and that he will do well in office.

“I really don’t think there was any voting fraud. I believe that this election was fair, and that Biden won,” Shepherd said. “I feel that America will prosper from the outcome of this election.”

In addition to all these opinions and beliefs, there is a third point of view taken by some people. Many voters are just not trusting of what they hear on the news, and are unable to take a side because of the media bias and factual error that exists in our country.

“I miss the days when the media told us the truth and then we decided what to think of it, instead of the media telling us what to think of it and us deciding if it’s true,” Nielsen said.

In the days moving forward, the people of America can only hope that the outcome of this controversial election will be positive, and accepted by the masses, regardless of who wins or how they do so. That is what they can hope for, and what they deserve as citizens of the United States of America.

“I am always optimistic about our country,” Bailey said. “From day one we haven’t always agreed on every issue. However, we have continued to work together and trust the process. I don’t believe that we are as divided as we are told we are. Hopefully we can continue to look for, and find, the common ground that brings us together.”

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