March marks the beginning of blooming flowers, warmer weather, and snow dissipating from the ground. Spring is upon us and with it a holiday that most, if not all, American students are very fond of: Spring Break.
Who doesn’t enjoy getting a week or two off from the ever-agonizing tests, exams, essays, homework, and anything school related? But unless you’re traveling out of the state for it, Spring Break just seems like any other ordinary school break. That is why this guide called “How to Spring Break It Down” was created–to help you in your quest to quench that longing for adventure during Spring Break if you don’t work, do a spring sport, or aren’t planning to travel out of the state.
To begin with, make sure to get rid of anything that might cause you extreme pain or anxiety–that is homework. If by any chance a teacher has granted the horror of giving out homegirls work during the break, make sure you get that completed before you begin to do anything remotely enjoyable. Obviously a huge procrastinator might be reading this and think that it’s the most ridiculous objective to do from the get-go, but it is essential. No matter if you’re hands fall off or you end up taking a four hour nap after ten minutes of trying to finish your homework, make sure you finish that. However, if after an hour you’re still making dying whale noises, just don’t inflict any more pain on yourself and put your homework away so you can move on to better things.
Alright, after either succeeding or failing at completing your homework, think of things that you have been wanting to do. You may even want to make a list of the things you may want to do if you’re not very keen on staying inside of your house the entire week. If you don’t want to socialize or venture but still feel like taking advantage of the sunshine and warmer weather, do something you normally do but do it outside. For example, if you enjoy reading books or have been meaning to start reading one, take the book with you and go outside and sit on your stairs, porch, etc. You don’t have to talk to anyone to be outside, it’s just a good feeling finally being able to have some sun rays shine upon the gloomy color of your skin. Thanks a lot, winter.
On the other hand, if you want to take advantage of your free time with your friends, go and organize a hike with them, or just sit outside and converse if you’re the type of friends who enjoy having meaningful conversations. Living in an area surrounded by nature has its perks, because you’re surrounded by hikeable canyons and trails. You can go on foot or better yet, go to wherever you keep a four-wheeler–if you have one–and finally use it again.
Spring Break is a perfect opportunity to start taking advantage of the outside once more and being creative with what you have at the touch of your fingertips.
For example, many foreign people have come to Sanpete county and venture out to the places we normally think as boring. For one day, do what they do and try to be a tourist in your own county. Find the excitement that foreigners have when visiting this small county.
Also, Easter is this weekend, so if you’re already in Spring Break mode, grab a few of your friends and go on an Easter Egg Hunt or paint some eggs. Who says Easter is just for children anyway?
Since spring brings in warmer weather, you can take advantage of that and play a sport outside. Now, if you do that already, try to be a tad creative and play after hours with a type of glow-in-the-dark theme.
However, if you don’t feel like venturing out in your own town, you can always go to a concert in Salt Lake. For example, the group “A Great Big World” is going to be performing at The Complex on March 28th. American Authors is coming on March 31st at The State Room, and Justin Bieber will be performing at the Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake on April 2nd. If you don’t like any of the artists mentioned above, you can always go to a concert of some random band that you probably have never heard of. You may be surprised and discover your next favorite band.
Staying in a rural area for Spring Break may sound boring, but if you dig a little bit deeper, you may just find yourself a new story to share with your friends when school begins once again.

Ideas on how to make your spring break
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