March 31, 2025

Girls golf looks to improve next season

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Girls golf is off to an interesting start this year with a new head coach and only one senior.  

When Cheryl Hadley accepted the position of Athletic Director it left a position open for someone to take her place as the girls golf coach. Lucky for NS a replacement has been found and Hadley has been succeeded by Kolby Henrie as the new girls golf coach.

With pretty much all new players, this year has been a building year for the NS girls golf team.   

“We have come a long way,” said Senior Brooklyn Larson, “ we’ve been doing really good at coming together and working as a team.”  Currently Larson is the only Senior on the golf team at NS but it isn’t as big of a challenge as it seams.

“It’s not really that hard you just help out the girls and just golf.”  Larson has had to do a lot of practice on her own though due to being involved in the drama department and choir.

“Sometimes i’ll just go out and practice on my own and go to the regular practices when I can.”      One of Larson’s goals for the season was to get lots of girls on the golf team and let them know just how fun it was.

“I just want to be able to keep that going and keep that alive after i’m gone.” said Larson.  Henrie is also on board with getting more people to join the girls golf team. He wants the girls he has currently has to stick with it and to go and recruit others.    

With an addition on a new coach comes an addition of new techniques and methods to coaching.  One of his techniques involves filming his golfers while they hit balls.

      “They go to the driving range and hit balls,” said Henrie, “while I slow mo record their swing”  Henrie does this so that he can show them little things that they missed so that they can then correct their mistakes.   As a result of this technique Henrie is hoping to see improvement in the years to come.

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