As teenagers we have a lot on our plates. Between school, work, a social life, and extra curricular activities it can become quite stressful. Despite all of these expectations, students have found a way to fit an early morning weights program into their busy schedule.
Assistant coach Andy Reed brought early morning weights to the school last year, and it has done nothing but grow. It was originally designed as a weight program to lead into the football season, but it has expanded to include all sports.
“The purpose now is to put the best athlete on the volleyball court or football field. To produce a bigger, stronger, faster version of themselves.” said Reed. “We’re trying to have the athletes peak strength wise.”
The athletes spent the first few weeks building a baseline of their own skill level. For the rest of the time they will follow a program that’s based off of something called Western Periodization. Western Periodization is building and increasing the intensity of a workout with each passing week.
A week’s training involves many different workouts. Monday’s are spent benching and working on your chest and upper body muscles. Tuesday focuses mainly speed and agility. Wednesday’s are leg days; working mainly on lower body muscles. Thursday is an application of strength day, working on cardio, legs, arms, and core. Friday is auxiliary training, which is lifting as much as possible.
Early morning weights are also spent building your mental strength as well as physical.
“It teaches you discipline and confidence to hit the ball harder, jump higher, and be more strategic,” Junior Isaac Peterson said. “You get stronger, better, work harder and come together as a team.”
After running on Tuesdays, Coach Reed and the athletes have team building experiences. They work on personal motivation, team motivation, and trust.
“It’ll help me in the long run and make us better as a team,” freshman volleyball player, Linzy Flinders said.
Early morning weights was originally planned for the football players, but this year any and every sport are eligible to participate. Two of the main sports teams that attend are football and volleyball, however these athletes and many others also participate in basketball, softball, baseball, and tennis.
This program is supposed to help athletes find the best version of themselves through hard work, exercise, and coming together as a team.
“I push myself harder, and if others see me pushing myself then it’ll motivate them to work harder,” said Peterson.

Early morning weights gains popularity
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