Meme culture leads teens to ingest laundry detergent
We live in a world where internet appearance is beginning to dominate over common sense, and teens across the nation have recently had to …
We live in a world where internet appearance is beginning to dominate over common sense, and teens across the nation have recently had to …
She waited for her turn, worrying about remembering all the words and delivering them well. People clap. She’s up. She walks toward the microphone, and, …
For students at NS, parents are a major part of life. The majority of students live with one or both of their parents, so they …
A little boy just wants to be friends; why can’t he play with some of the kids? He doesn’t know it, but because of a …
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an Obama era policy that, simply put, allows undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children to …
On Thursday, Jan 11, North Sanpete School District’s PowerSchool server was wiped, losing grade data for all schools across the data. The most recent backup …
She gets told more race “jokes” than anyone else. She’s sure the people find it a funny, but it’s not always fun, and there are …
Many students have noticed a recent change in the NS website. The website has undergone some major changes this year, and the results are all …
A mom and six children sneak into the truck; they only have a laptop, a box of genealogy and one change of clothes for each …
Internet, the lifeblood of the 21st century. Shopping online, chatting with friends over emails, using dating apps, or even launching businesses from a garage; these …