October 17, 2024

NSSD teacher of the year award, A ‘Second Mom’ at NS

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This year teacher Cami Christensen was awarded teacher of the year for NSSD. 

“That was the hugest honor,” Christensen said. “I think we all go through life thinking we are making a difference…receiving that really meant a lot.” 

 Christensen has been teaching for 21 years, 16 of those being at the high school, but teaching wasn’t her original career path. Originally wanting to become a registered nurse, Christensen didn’t even give any thought about teaching until she started carrying her second child. 

“My dad worked in the Air Force in intelligence, and when he came home he would teach. So I thought I could do that,” Christensen said. “I could be home when my kids were home and summers… I went into education instead. I’m happy I did”  

Christensen began her teaching career in special education at Fountain Green and Moroni Elementary . After five years of teaching elementary, a job offer at the high school arose. Christensen took that offer and has loved every minute of it. 

“I love the kids and the principals. The best part about coming over and teaching here was watching the kids from elementary come here,” Christensen said. 

After a while Christensen knew she wanted to teach something else in addition to special education, something the school hadn’t offered before and something she loved: an EMR/EMS class. 

“It was a lot of work, begging, pleading…I never thought I would get to do it,” Christensen said. Christensen has enjoyed teaching a new class that mixes her love of helping people and teaching. 

“It’s my favorite thing,” she said. 

Christensen has touched many lives throughout her career because of her caringness and love for her students. Ava Sunderland, a student of Christensen’s, expressed her gratitude towards Christensen for all she has done for her. 

“She (has) always believed in me,” Sunderland said. “First day of my EMT Class she told me she believed in me… She’s my number one supporter.” 

Sunderland isn’t the only student who has felt the love of Christensen throughout the years. Christensen began teaching at the high school the same year her son Jeremy was a senior. Christensen’s son begged her not to teach his senior year but Christensen told him “It’s now or never babe.” 

As the school year went on Christensen’s son avoided her all year until one day he stopped by her classroom asking her for lunch money. 

“I became the ATM as the Mom” said Christensen “I was okay being here because soon his friends came in asking for money.” 

Several years ago Christensen downloaded Instagram when one day she logged into her account and realized her bio was changed.

 “It said ‘Second mom to all North Sanpete students’, and that to me was the biggest compliment,” Christensen said emotionally. 

 Though she is grateful for her time here, Christensen never even intended living in Sanpete until she came to visit her brother who lives in Spring City during memorial day weekend.

 “I drove by this cute little house with a homemade for sale sign and asked my brother about it and he just goes, ‘’ll carry it for ya,’ and I was like okay, so I ended up buying my house,” said Christensen.

 Little did Christensen know that she would soon expand her house, build a patio, and establish her oasis. 

“My backyard has become my happy place. I can sit back and relax with a fire going, it’s great!” expressed Christensen. 

Christensen has enjoyed her life, but her ultimate pride comes from her kids.

 “Raising my kids and even better than that my grandkids have been the best experience. The worst is also raising my kids,” said Christensen. “Watching them hurt and get hurt has been hard. I would do anything for them.” 

It is unquestionable on why Christensen received teacher of the year.  Principal Christine Straatman said, “A life of service should be rewarded.” Christensen is more than just a teacher. She’s a Mother, Grandmother, Mentor, Sibling, Daughter, Neighbor and most importantly a friend to all. 

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