October 15, 2024

Boys golf sees growth with young players

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The NS boys golf team has been powering through a tough season, though there are some bright spots.

The boys hope to improve and move up in the region standings.

“We’re really fighting Manti for that second to last spot, it’s a pretty close battle,” freshman Channing Walker said.

Boys golf faces many challenges, with tough competition. 

“Right now we’re not really competing against the top teams,” golf coach Austin Hadley said. “The top teams right now are shooting right around even par, which is really really good.”

Golf is a sport where practicing consistently is essential. The amount of time you put into practicing will affect your game immensely.

“It’s not like we can call plays or switch defenses,” Hadley said. “They’re really on their own, we can only help kids as much as they want to put in the time outside of practice, we have to trust them to really understand their ability to compete, and to get the most out of their capabilities.”

Golf team members say golf is a demanding, thought-based game. If you’re not focused and not in the right mindset, your whole game can get thrown off.

“Golf is a very tough mental game, so you have to stay in it mentally, focused, and not get upset,” sophomore Caze Lund said. “If I’m not hitting a certain club good, I go to the driving range and work on the fundamentals.” 

The team says showing resilience in golf is key. Being able to bounce back after a poor swing can really make or break the round. 

“Not turning one bad shot into two bad shots is really important in having a good game,” Walker said. 

Despite golf being a patience tester for the team, the boys really like the relaxed, fun game.

“Golf is great. You just grip it and rip it,” Lund said. “Sometimes I go up into the hills, and look for balls. It’s pretty adventurous.” 

Golf isn’t always quiet. It’s an all day sport, so you’ll get some pretty good discussions with your team. 

“When my group isn’t swinging we talk about Drake and Kendrick, it’s awesome,” Lund said. 

Hadley has a different perspective of winning. It’s not always being number one. 

“Really I think a win is, are the kids playing at their average or above, and how are they doing for themselves,” Hadley said. “I think we’re improving as a team, and that our practice habits are getting better. That’s what really matters.”

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