October 17, 2024

Senior reflects on growth; says goodbye to NS stage

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The director yelled the command again. It must have been a hundred times she performed the scene, and it was as uncomfortable every time. Every light beaming from the ceiling, every audience member staring, every bit of attention would direct to her. Everyone watching was subconsciously begging her to be a star, and the pressure was demanding and unforgiving.  Something switched inside of her though, and soon for NS senior Adelay Stavros the stage became a place where magic was made. 

One of Stavros’s favorite shows, done outside of NS, was “Les Miserables,” where she played Eponine. It was a big role that helped her to realize acting was what she wanted to do in life. 

“I really connect with Eponine because she is fighting for her dreams the whole show, even when she dies,” Stavros said, “She’s so strong and independent.” 

But she had to overcome her nerves to do it. With practice, it became easier to be on stage and she grew more confident.

“Nerves have always been something I’ve struggled with and it’s definitely gotten easier every year, but that was like the first show (Les Mis) that I was not nervous,” Stavros said, “I was just so happy and so in love with what I was doing that nothing else mattered.” 

After winning Utah High School Musical of the year for “Amelie,” Stavros was able to reflect on the experience with her most recent role as Amelie. With extensive stage time and multiple performances, she was able to make her part in the musical one to remember.

Along with Les Mis and Amelie, Stavros starred in shows all her four years of high school, adapting to a variety of roles. These shows included Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Guys and Dolls, and Goosebumps. She learned from each character she played and found more about herself by bringing the stories to life. It took hours of work and dedication to pull off, as well as talent that flows into multiple areas of her life.

“She’s the most talented person I’ve ever met, at everything. Soccer, musicals, singing, drawing, everything,” senior Aubrie Stiglitch said, “I hope she knows how many people look up to her.” 

Stavros looks out to make sure those around her feel included and loved, and her friends have many memories of her support. 

“One day after a long rehearsal for the musical my mom called me telling me that my brother was in the hospital and I was really sad and scared,” sophomore Emma Wallace said, “I remember Adelay coming up to me and talking to me, and she offered to take me home and pick me up the next day. I felt like she genuinely cared about me and what was happening at the time. Adelay has been there for me over and over again and I honestly could not imagine my life without her in it.” 

Stavros was the SBO media specialist this year and found joy through leadership at NS. She thrived in being involved and loved activities like the homecoming tailgate party and the flip the falcons pancake night. Alongside her throughout the experience was her twin brother senior Julian Stavros. They were able to learn and grow with each other. 

“I would say that Adelay has pushed me to excel throughout the things that I do because she sets the bar high,” Julian said, “She gives me healthy competition.” 

One of the other things that fill Stavros’s time is soccer, and she played it all of high school. She started varsity all four years and excelled as a forward. The sport forced  her to work hard and she bonded with many of her teammates. 

Between all of her extra curricular activities and the high standards she held herself to, Stavros is an example of determination. Her ambition and achieved goals have inspired many around her.

“I couldn’t ask for a better sister. Her determination really inspires me,” Julian said, “It reinforces my belief that I can accomplish anything even though it might be a challenge.” 

The future is bright for Stavros and she has a dream to act on broadway. Her legacy at NS will continue to be an example for future students to come. 

“I just hope I am an example of someone following their dreams because I think that everyone should pursue what they love, and don’t be afraid to even though it’s really scary and hard,” Stavros said, “I hope people can look to me because I am going to do it.” 

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